Introducing ICO: What is Sp8de? The project reaches the main market: gambling. Sp8de aims to build a platform that truly revolutionizes the way gambling works. Until now, the home or platform that provides has an advantage because it is difficult to forge when the other party cheats because 100% transparency is difficult. But maximum transparency is the blockchain created. Gambling application is one of the optimal use of blockchain technology. Sp8de aims to utilize blockchain technology to ensure the randomness aspect of gambling - a key aspect that keeps things fair and ensures an opportunity to win and lose balance - remains intact. The user will use the SPX token to transact on the Sp8de platform and ensure that the token retains its value. Token GIL is a trading medium for the Sp8de platform; So, the token issued is really worth it. Sp8de's goal is WE WANT TO CREATE AN ULTIMATE GAMING EXPERIENCE. WITH BLOCKCHAIN It's clear that I just want ...